Why Vision boards Work
Vision boards are something that have recently been re-revived and brought to the attention of the public through magazines, internet articles and high profile T.V shows. Many of you may be interested in making a vision board but feel wary about actually doing it because you don’t fully understand why vision boards work. So how do they work?
Vision boards work because they are based on the “law of attraction” which has seen a lot of people do some very great things because of it. The law of attraction is based upon the combined outcome of three specific principles; Ask, Believe and then receive. By asking the Universe or Higher power, depending on what you believe), then believing that it is true and real you will then receive what you have asked for. Simply that by focusing your mind with positive thoughts about a goal you may have or a dream that you want for yourself, then imaging yourself doing those things via images, you will then accomplish them as you are lead in the right direction to your goal or dream. This all works because you are able to access your sub-conscious mind which holds the key to your intuition and belief that you can have what you want.
Have you ever heard the phrase “money attracts money?” well this is the same for other things; positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. Within ourselves we all have issues, memories or problems that have allowed us to carry negative emotions around with us for years. Feelings of unrest, poor personal image and a feeling of not being good enough or deserving good things are the most common. Because of these negative thoughts we often, without realizing it, are sabotaging our chances at happiness, wealth and good fortune. How many times have you said to yourself “now why did I just do that?” it is because of these negative thoughts kept in your sub-conscious mind. By opening up your mind and changing these thoughts into positive ones, great changes can be made and success found. Vision boards are perfect for this task as they are very basic but very powerful in their effect on our lives and in our minds. Anyone can make one and everyone can benefit from one.
Vision boards use images, sounds, smells and positive words to focus our minds and change these negative thoughts into positive ones. Accepting that this is a task that will not happen overnight is important as real change takes time, so do not be disappointed after a short time if nothing happens as this will only feed back into the negative that you have been trying so hard to eradicate from your mind. Keeping faith and belief will carry you through, making sure that your positive thoughts attract the positive things you are trying to achieve. Vision boards work; millions of people can back that up and have found the inner self confidence to reach for more that they have because they deserve it.
To learn even more about vision boards go here VISS INTERNATIONAL and let me know what you think.